Friday, August 14, 2020

This Bald Eagle Took Down a Government Drone, Just Because It's AmericaAF!

This Bald Eagle Took Down a Government Drone, Just Because It's AmericaAF!
Brodigan - August 14, 2020 at 09:49AM

It was an average day in Michigan. The sun was shining. The cherries were being picked. Gov. Whitmer was passing tyrannical shutdown restrictions (see NORTHERN MICHIGAN SHERIFFS STATE THEY WILL NOT COMPLY WITH GOVERNOR'S OVERREACH and GOV. WHITMER ADDRESSES MICHIGAN AFTER HER HUSBAND IS BUSTED FOR 'JOKING' ABOUT HIS POLITICAL ADVANTAGES). Suddenly, a government drone appeared in the sky. Michigan was being invaded. Thankfully, before the drone could lay waste to 8 Mile, a bald eagle appeared on the scene to save the day!

Actually, the drone was only mapping shoreline erosion. But the part about the bald eagle is true, because bald eagles are badass and AmericanAF!

The bird of prey attacked the Phantom 4 Pro Advanced quodcopter drone about 162 feet in the sky on July 21, "tearing off a propeller and sending the aircraft to the bottom of Lake Michigan."

Our feathered friend addressed the press afterwards to explain his actions.

2020 has been kicking America's ass. Riots and the 'rona. The economy. The chances of Joe Biden being our first barely alive president. We've had better mornings in America, is what I'm saying. Let this story, a tale of one of our most majestic creatures rising up against government intrusion, be the analogy for standing up to tyranny that gets us through the rest of the year.

Seriously. A bald eagle ripping apart a government drone. If there was a more patriotic story this year, I'd love to hear it.

from Steven Crowder Says