Wednesday, August 26, 2020

This Truck Driver Wasn't About to Let Obnoxious Protesters Stop Him from Getting Gas

This Truck Driver Wasn't About to Let Obnoxious Protesters Stop Him from Getting Gas
Brodigan - August 26, 2020 at 08:20AM

As long as I live, I'll never understand people who think stopping traffic is an effective way to protest. I'm not sure where this video is from. I'm not sure what the people in it were protesting. Quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure I care at this point. It's a group of idiots who think inconveniencing someone in a truck is going to making the person ponder whatever they're blathering about (see PORTLAND RIOTERS TRY BLOCKING A TRUCK WITH A MOTORCYCLE. BIG MISTAKE! and LEFTIST WIMP IS TRIGGERED BY 'MEGA-PICKUPS,' SO HERE'S A LOVE LETTER TO MINE).

Which, as you see with my dude here, if he even had a f*ck to give in the first place, he left it at home. He just needs some gas.

The best part is how the driver couldn't possibly care less. They were screaming at him, and he just went about his day, barely engaging with them. They were free to live their best obnoxious protesting life. He was just going to mind his own business and fill up his tank. Hopefully he was able to leave without incident. If he was late to his next destination, he probably said, "Sorry I'm late. There were these idiots yelling about a thing."

Plus the indignation of the protesters when the dude didn't pay attention to most of them is what really made this a 10/10 video. Cheers to this man. I'd like to buy him a beer and ignore the protesters with him.

from Steven Crowder Says