Monday, August 31, 2020

This Crazy Lady Tried to Steal a MAGA Flag. It Didn't Work Out for Her ...

This Crazy Lady Tried to Steal a MAGA Flag. It Didn't Work Out for Her ...
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 09:15AM

May you never find yourself so consumed by your hatred of a politician that you get triggered by pieces of fabric. It sounds like a miserable way to live (see A CAPE COD MAN TRIED TO RUN OVER SOMEONE SELLING MAGA SWAG. THEN, HE DROPPED HIS PANTS. and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT). I believe this video takes place in Portland, while Trump supporters were doing a pro-Trump car parade. That's when a nearby Biden supporter saw the flag and went into HULK SMASH mode. Over a flag. That said the word Trump on it.

I know we're not supposed to laugh at the mentally ill, but I'm not always a good person.

Disclaimer/missing/context/maybe the guys were jerks/etc. We've seen enough leftists go into full meltdown, it's safe to assume this is just a crazy lady going crazy.

Though I do have to hand it to the MAGA fanbois. They saw the car parades people were throwing for kids during the pandemic and said to themselves, "Let's throw some Trump swag on it and drive around town." Game respect game.

from Steven Crowder Says