Friday, August 14, 2020

This TikToker Exposes the Truth About the Media's Anti-Trump Coverage

This TikToker Exposes the Truth About the Media's Anti-Trump Coverage
Brodigan - August 14, 2020 at 08:10AM

I know I'm expected to hate on TikTok, because of China and just because Donald Trump says so. But there is some surprisingly good content on there. Once you get past the flim-flams and that dumb thing where people wipe a mirror, there are a lot of users using their powers for good. Quick, humorous, right-leaning messages pushed to an audience that most likely wouldn't normally hear them (see TIKTOKER WRECKS THE MEDIA'S REPORTING ON "PEACEFUL PROTESTERS." THERE'S A FLAMETHROWER INVOLVED... and THIS TIKTOK VIDEO EXPOSES HILARIOUS TRUTH ABOUT DEMOCRATS AND COVID-19).

This fella goes by the handle Liddz3. I'm not sure if Liddz1 or 2 approve, but I think you will.

Tell me you can't see this conversation actually happening in newsrooms right now! The COVID news is whatever is the worst for Trump at the time. You'll notice there isn't as much panic porn about Texas, Florida, and Arizona any more, now that all of the numbers in those three states have gone back down. The media has focused on schools. Next week, it'll be back to focusing on masks since Joe Biden called for a nationwide mask mandate and the media has no self-respect.

Which as an aside, I think if the Democrat governors of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania want to show what loyal Democrats they are, they should follow Biden's lead and mandate residents should wear a mask any time they step outside of their homes. Or, at least I think that's what Biden meant. He left without taking questions, and no reporter shouted at him for clarification. Again, because the media has no self-respect.

At the end of the day, don't hate on TikTok. There's some good stuff on there.

Just maybe don't keep the app on your phone.

from Steven Crowder Says