Friday, August 21, 2020

The Black Lives Matter Protester Who Assaulted the Driver in Portland? They Got Him!

The Black Lives Matter Protester Who Assaulted the Driver in Portland? They Got Him!
Brodigan - August 21, 2020 at 12:18PM

Adam Haner was assaulted by a Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protester in Portland this week. The peaceful protesters were harassing someone. Haner said, "Hey you guys, knock it off." One thing led to another and in the end Haner crashed his car and was dragged out of his car by peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, and one of those peace protesters kicked Haner in the head, knocking him unconscious (see PORTLAND ANTIFA KICKS OFF THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION BY PULLING A MAN FROM HIS CAR AND BEATING HIM and THE PORTLAND MAN ASSAULTED BY BLACK LIVES MATTER IS SPEAKING OUT). That guy's name is Marquise Love. He's in jail now.

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the internet. So I don't know what the difference is between "assault coercion" and regular old assault But $260,000 is a decent chunk of change. Whatever they charged him for, it doesn't matter. Just so long as the legal system makes an example out of him and he becomes someone's special friend in general population. Where he's going to hate having the last name "Love."

from Steven Crowder Says