Thursday, August 13, 2020

UH OH: Southwest Kicks Family Off Flight After Autisic Child Wouldn’t Wear a Mask...

UH OH: Southwest Kicks Family Off Flight After Autisic Child Wouldn’t Wear a Mask...
Brodigan - August 13, 2020 at 02:52PM

Based on the latest in what science is saying, is next to impossible for kids to spread COVID-19. Only teachers' unions and Facebook fact checkers don't know that. Is it impossible? No. But, at this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is rare among children. While I acknowledge that companies like Southwest Airlines should have the right to set whatever policies they want, when you see a three-year-old passenger having a meltdown over a mask, the company also has the right NOT TO BE AN ASSCLOWN MASK NAZI OVER IT (see CRAZY MASK NAZI IS CAUGHT ON VIDEO PEPPER-SPRAYING A COUPLE FOR NOT WEARING MASKS ... WHILE EATING and WOMAN IN AUSTRALIA CHOKED, TACKLED, ARRESTED FOR... NOT WEARING A MASK?!).

When the kids mother is pleading with you that the kid has autism and a sensory processing disorders and you still insist on being a mask nazi, someone needs to get fired. Then there's my favorite part.

"They're trying to talk to him, tell him, 'You have to wear it. It's not an option,' and I'm trying to explain to them, you know, he doesn't understand what you're saying."

Deadass, if you said this to my kid, we'd all be getting thrown off the flight, but it wouldn't be because of the mask refusal. It would be because I just pummeled the ever-loving shit out of you.

A) You don't address my kid.

B) You don't raise your voice to him.

C) You don't — and this the big one — make ANY demands of him. Let alone about wearing a mask because you watch too much panic porn on CNN.

I don't care what orders you are following. The kid (again, the 'rona is rare among children) is freaking out. The kid's mother is freaking out. She's telling you her son is autistic. You are simply an excrement filled excuse of human DNA to demand a three-year-old wear a mask.

from Steven Crowder Says