Thursday, August 13, 2020

CNN Whined About Tucker Carlson Mispronouncing 'Kamala,' But He Got the Last Laugh

CNN Whined About Tucker Carlson Mispronouncing 'Kamala,' But He Got the Last Laugh
Brodigan - August 13, 2020 at 11:58AM

The memo went out to the media that any criticism of Kamala Harris is either sexist, racist, or a healthy mix of both. This isn't shocking because we all expected it. Democrats say "Here, say this bullsh!t' and the media responds, "Sure, we have no self-respect." Though I admit, I was shocked to find out the word "phony" is problematic.

The left is also obsessed with the proper pronunciation of her name. She pronounces it "comma-la" like the punctuation, as opposed to the more common "kamala" like the Ugandan Giant (RIP). A simple mistake, except to the media who views it as an attack. CNN was so upset that Tucker Carlson did it that they attacked him on one of the programs. You know, because 90% of CNN programming is watching Fox News (see TUCKER CARLSON BLASTS BRIAN STELTER: NOT EVEN HE WATCHES CNN and DONALD TRUMP JUST DROPPED ATTACK AD AGAINST KAMALA HARRIS. IT'S BRUTAL!). This caused Tucker to clap back, because as it turns out, he was NOT the only man to mispronounce her name this week ...

Kamala Harris Makes A Really Dumb Pandemic Comparison | Good Morning #MugClub

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