Friday, August 14, 2020

Reminder: Kamala 'Pragmatic Moderate' Harris Want to Confiscate Your Guns

Reminder: Kamala 'Pragmatic Moderate' Harris Want to Confiscate Your Guns
Brodigan - August 14, 2020 at 01:25PM

The memo has gotten out to the media that Kamala Harris is a "pragmatic moderate" and ZOMG, what a pragmatic moderate that Joe Biden — who is also a pragmatic moderate — chose. Which we all know is bullplop. Harris proved during the primary debates that there isn't a far left group she won't pander to (see KAMALA HARRIS IS REPEATEDLY ASKED "BUT HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT?" SHE CAN'T ANSWER. and WATCH: KAMALA HARRIS IS ASKED TO COMMENT ON HER JUSSIE SMOLLETT SUPPORT TWEET. IT'S GOLD!). And unlike other vice presidents, she can't be viewed as just the president's wingman. Most of America seems to be in agreement that Joe Biden's better days are behind him. As are his cognitive skills and ability to form sentences.

Many doubt Biden will make it through a full first term, so Kamala's extremism matters. Tucker Carlson and Colion Noir focused specifically on Harris and the Second Amendment this past Thursday night.

Kamala Harris Makes A Really Dumb Pandemic Comparison | Good Morning #MugClub

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