Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trump Accepts the NYPD Union Endorsement, Tells Cops He Has Their Backs

Trump Accepts the NYPD Union Endorsement, Tells Cops He Has Their Backs
Brodigan - August 15, 2020 at 09:09AM

Bill DeBlasio and the people who run New York City have made it clear they don't have the NYPD's backs, unless they're stabbing them in it. If spitting on a cop will score him a single political point, the Mayor is more than happy to go for three (see THIS NEW YORK CITY COP HYSTERICALLY MOCKS THE RESTRICTIONS DE BLASIO PUT ON THE POLICE and NYPD COMMISSIONER GOES OFF ON NYC LEADERS, CALLING THEM "COWARDS" AND "FAILING AT EVERY LEVEL"). Same in Seattle and Portland and most recently Austin. So police are rallying around a politician who actually has their back and will let them do their jobs: Donald Trump.

The NYCPBA recently gave the president their endorsement, which he was more than honored to accept.

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