Monday, August 17, 2020

This Sketch Looks at How Normal People View the Left

This Sketch Looks at How Normal People View the Left
Brodigan - August 17, 2020 at 09:39AM

If you have even a marginal interest in politics and frequent the internet, this new Ryan Long video will make you feel heard. I mean, obviously you have more than just a marginal interest. You wouldn't be here if you didn't. But if you've tried rationally talking to someone on the left lately (see COMEDIAN LOOKS AT HOW RACISTS AND WOKE LIBERALS ARE ACTUALLY BFFS and COMEDIAN MOCKS FAKE "DIVERSITY" IN BIG TECH AND IT'S PERFECT), you'll sympathize with these three guys who just want to play ball but find themselves getting based instead.

Yeah, I know it's about "both sides," but one of those sides definitely gets it a lot harder than the other...

Crowder Asks Bryan Callen Point-Blank: "Did You Do it?" | Good Morning #MugClub

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