Sunday, August 23, 2020

They Arrested the Two Biden Supporters Who Attacked the 7-Year-Old Trump Supporter

They Arrested the Two Biden Supporters Who Attacked the 7-Year-Old Trump Supporter
Brodigan - August 23, 2020 at 07:42AM

Everyone tweet LAW & ORDER in unison! They arrested the Black Lives Matter peaceful protester who dragged a man from his car and kicked him in the head. Now, they've arrested the two dingbat Joe Biden Supporters who assaulted a seven-year-old for wearing a MAGA hat outside of where Joe Biden was speaking.

Meet Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy.

An investigation determined that the incident involved a robbery with two female suspects, according to police.
  • Robbery (Second Degree)
  • Conspiracy (Second Degree)
  • Endangering the Welfare of a Child

Amy also got popped for two counts of offensive touching.

What I love best about this story is that these two Biden supporters are, at least judging by their age, just finishing school. They're now going to have to go out and try to make their way in the world and find a job...with a criminal record for attacking a seven-year-old. Outside of maybe getting a job at CNN, there is no way to spin "got arrested for attacking a child over his political opinion" that doesn't make them look like the @$$hole.

Maybe Becky and Other Becky will get hired as CNN's Special Biden Correspondents. Any other job, this isn't something that gets explained away. Best of luck to them trying for the foreseeable future.

from Steven Crowder Says