Friday, August 21, 2020

Watch These Biden Supporters Make a 7-Year-Old Trump Supporter Cry and Steal His Hat

Watch These Biden Supporters Make a 7-Year-Old Trump Supporter Cry and Steal His Hat
Brodigan - August 21, 2020 at 09:30AM

Well, this is classy. As the media all downloads in their pants over how unifying Joe Biden is, this is who his supporters and the left really is as a whole. Making a kid cry and stealing his MAGA hat. Usually they at least go after the adults (see A CAPE COD MAN TRIED TO RUN OVER SOMEONE SELLING MAGA SWAG. THEN, HE DROPPED HIS PANTS. and DERANGED LEFTIST ATTACKS RETIRED NYPD OVER...WRONG MAGA HAT). Now they go after children. All because the child is wearing a hat they don't like.

Standard disclaimer: edited video, missing context, blah blah blah. There is no context to attack a kid. Period. None. Not to let the kid's mother off the hook. She should have dropped the phone and then dropped the bitches who attacked her son. But I'll chalk that up to things being in the heat of the moment. And the villains here are Becky and Other Becky. Biden can talk about unity all he wants, but it's his party that is fueled by nothing but their hatred and intolerance towards anyone who disagrees with them about anything ever. And it's been that way since before Trump, when Biden was in the White House the last time,

Don't call it "cancel culture" when these two harpies get named and shamed, and hopefully cause embarrassment to their families and employers. Call it a clap back. This is how the left wants to play.

from Steven Crowder Says