Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jacob Blake's Mother Denounces the Rioters ... and Praises Donald Trump?!

Jacob Blake's Mother Denounces the Rioters ... and Praises Donald Trump?!
Brodigan - August 26, 2020 at 11:56AM

Tuesday night marked another evening of violent riots in Wisconsin. Allegedly, the riots are in response to the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake (see BLACK LIVES MATTER ASSAULTS A WISCONSIN BUSINESS OWNER AFTER SETTING HIS BUSINESS ON FIRE and PEACEFUL: BLACK LIVES MATTER 'PROTESTER' POINTS A GUN AT REPORTER). That's according to the rioters. Though there is one person who would like them to keep Jacob Blake's name out of their mouths: Jacob Blake's mother, who in one interview — to the dismay of CNN and Don Lemon — destroyed the entire media narrative and even had positive things to say about President Trump.

I'm not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Like I said before and I'm not saying this to him directly: We should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks.

Regardless of the details of the incident and any feelings about those involved, I can't begin to imagine what this mother is going through. Especially to have to be the one voice speaking out when no other alleged leaders will. Multiple things can be true. You can believe the police acted appropriately based on what we know AND feel sympathy for a mother whose child is injured and suffering.

The fact that Jacob Blake's mother, in her sorrow, still has the poise to say "get the details before we start throwing bricks," maybe the media and the left should start doing so. It's just a shame that places like CNN aren't "the right source" to get that information.

from Steven Crowder Says