Monday, August 31, 2020

Dan Crenshaw Just Exposed Joe Biden's Sudden Concern About Violence and Riots in Only One Tweet

Dan Crenshaw Just Exposed Joe Biden's Sudden Concern About Violence and Riots in Only One Tweet
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 07:31AM

Joe Biden is suddenly concerned about all the violence, rioting, and looting his supports are doing lately. Especially after his supporters started openly calling for killing other people, and one actually did (see TWO BLACK LIVES MATTER SPEAKERS DECLARE 'OPEN SEASON' ON COPS, TIME TO 'PUT THEM IN THEIR GRAVES' and REPORT: TRUMP SUPPORTER KILLED WHILE PORTLAND RIOTERS CELEBRATE). I guess having the media claim on your behalf that none of it is actually happening is no longer working for Kamala Harris' running mate. Biden is set to speak on the issue on Monday, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw has an idea why the sudden rush.

Really, though. It's so obvious, you clearly don't need both your eyes to see what's going on here.

What madness is Crenshaw talking about? Here's the most recent example.

It would appear the American people have been sitting at home watching Joe Biden supporters destroy people's livelihoods, watching Joe Biden stans in the media stand in front of burning buildings claiming that there's nothing to see here, and have decided, "You know something, we don't like this." So now Biden is going to pretend to be concerned and claim it's all Trump's fault, while the media reports, "Look how concerned Biden is! This is all totally Trump's fault!" Biden will probably also only have to speak out once. As his supporters continue to violently riot, the media will just point to a single speech he gave and claim that was enough. Republicans will probably be accused of "seizing" on something. I don't know, it feel like we've seen this movie before,

Personally, I don't think it's going to work, and the American people are not going to buy what Biden is trying to sell. But it's up to all of us to make sure it doesn't.

from Steven Crowder Says