Thursday, August 13, 2020

Parents and Students Fight Back Against School Lockdowns

Parents and Students Fight Back Against School Lockdowns
Brodigan - August 13, 2020 at 08:14AM

Teachers' unions have made it clear they don't give a crap about your children. The fact that they are using the pandemic as an excuse to hold kids' education and development hostage is evidence of that. Also, it's disgusting (see TEACHERS' UNIONS TEAM UP WITH DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS AND ISSUE THESE INSANE DEMANDS and LA TEACHERS UNION WILL ONLY REOPEN SCHOOLS IF WE ... ELIMINATE CHARTER SCHOOLS AND DEFUND THE POLICE). No, this isn't an attack on all teachers. Many of them are great. Others are more union than they are teacher and force their own kids to hold signs saying, "don't kill my mommy."

Parents and students, at least in one school district, are starting to fight back.

To be fair, I don't know if the teachers' union were responsible for this school district not allowing in-person classes. Just like CNN didn't know if Nicholas Sandmann was really harassing a protester. I'm only assuming that the unions are behind decisions that screw parents and students. Just like I'm only assuming the unions hand-picked members of the school board, which is something they are assumed to do throughout the country.

One thing I am sure of is that parents should have a choice. If they are pro-science and anti-media-induced panic porn, they should be allowed to send their kids to school to continue things like learning and developing. If the teachers who are more union than teacher don't like it, fine. They can stop collecting their taxpayer-funded paycheck, and the parents can get their school taxes refunded. Fairness all around.

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