Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Here's a Black Lives Matter 'Protester' Pointing a Gun at a Reporter

Here's a Black Lives Matter 'Protester' Pointing a Gun at a Reporter
Brodigan - August 25, 2020 at 08:41AM

There was an officer-involved shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, recently. Details and specifics aren't known and, as usually happens, are impossible to find out once people start rioting. Welcome to Kenosha, the Portland of the Midwest (see THE BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTESTER WHO ASSAULTED THE DRIVER IN PORTLAND? THEY GOT HIM! and PORTLAND PROTESTERS ASSAULTED TWO OLD LADIES). Buildings are burning. Businesses are being looted. And peaceful protesters are brandishing weapons at reporters. All in the name of social justice.

If you aren't following Elijah Schaffer on Twitter, I highly recommend it. He's been in the field for the past few months covering what the media won't about these "peaceful protests." Mostly, that they aren't peaceful protests at all.

That's what the media doesn't want to show you. The media only show the narrative that the man was unarmed, even though the police had no way of knowing and only a split second to make a decision that could cost them their own lives. Having somewhere to go where people report the facts would be nice, but that's not the media we have right now. All that matters is that there was a cop involved, so everyone knows what to do next.

As for the details about the officer-involved shooting that we do know, allow me to hand off to the boss.

from Steven Crowder Says