Friday, August 14, 2020

Remember 8-Year-Old James Younger? A Judge Just Ruled His Mother Can Turn Him into a Girl...

Remember 8-Year-Old James Younger? A Judge Just Ruled His Mother Can Turn Him into a Girl...
Brodigan - August 14, 2020 at 07:34AM

James Younger is a story that we followed last year. James — who his now eight — is a boy. His mother wants to turn him into a girl named Luna. His father says that's batsh!t crazy, as does, quite frankly, anyone with half a brain and without a leftist political agenda (see JAMES YOUNGER, LEFT TO CHOOSE HIS GENDER, GOES TO SCHOOL AS A BOY and WATCH: TODDLER JAMES YOUNGER TELLS HIS DAD "MOMMY SAYS I'M A GIRL"). Last we heard, a judge had ruled in favor of sanity, but that judge has just been overruled. People on behalf of the father updated the story on the Save James Facebook page.

[Judge Mary Brown] has forced James to live as "Luna" in a school surrounded by teachers and therapists who do not acknowledge that he has said multiple times to multiple people (without Jeff around) that he wants to be a boy and hates being forced to be a girl. She has forced Jude into a stressful existence of constant lies and misery as he watches his brother get destroyed before him without any hope for an end to this madness. [James' mother] won this battle without even a hearing.

There is always more to the story, I suppose. I can't imagine any detail that would justify ruling in favor of forcing an eight-year-old boy into switching genders just because his mother is a woke leftist twat. We're not just talking about putting a dress on him and making him play with OMG Dolls. The kid is eight, his mother wants to force him into life-altering hormone therapy, and the judge says, "I'll allow it." The ruling also says that James' father is forced to pay for family counseling — of which at least one of his sons is now going to need a lot of — and have no say into who the counselor is. You can imagine what comes next.

QUACK THERAPIST: Why are you here?

MR. YOUNGER: I think my son should be allowed to be a boy.

QUACK THERAPIST: Interesting. And why do you feel you are such a transphobic bigot?

If you are an adult making adult decisions on living your life however you feel inside, I don't have an opinion on it as long as no one is forcing me to. That's my common ground. That's where we get to meet in the middle. Forcing your decisions on a kid, decisions that include psychological trauma and life-altering medical treatments, you're just a sick, disgusting human being.

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