Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Is Writing a Book on His COVID Response. Side Note: Over 32,000 NYers Are Dead ...

Andrew Cuomo Is Writing a Book on His COVID Response. Side Note: Over 32,000 NYers Are Dead ...
Brodigan - August 18, 2020 at 08:09AM

Andrew Cuomo called COVID-19 a metaphor for politics in America on Monday night during his DNC speech. Also, "eat a dick" is a metaphor for how Chris' Idiot Brother can go f*ck himself with that. But the really offensive thing is hearing that he wrote a book about what an awesome job he's done managing COVID. As over 32,000 New Yorkers are dead and he turned New York nursing homes into slaughterhouses (see WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19 and REPORT: NEW YORK'S COVID RELATED NURSING HOME DEATHS ARE WORSE THAN ORIGINALLY THOUGHT).

It's called American Crisis, in which Cuomo shares his tales of the "ingenuity and sacrifice required of so many to fight the pandemic." This excerpt from the release is particularly eyerolly:

The questions are what do you do with the fear and would you succumb to it. I would not allow the fear to control me. The fear kept my adrenaline high and that was a positive. But I would not let the fear be a negative, and I would not spread it. Fear is a virus also.

No word on whether he'll also be sharing some of his missteps. Like how his policies of sending 'rona patients back into nursing homes caused a third of New York's COVID deaths. Or whether he feels guilty that through his hard work and perseverance, New York had more people die than Texas, Florida, and California combined. Or if he'll acknowledge that it was because of his incompetence early on that the New York City virus ran wild through the country like it was Hulkamania in the '80s. Though in the latter case, he did get an asist from de Blasio's incompetence.

Lots of people made a lot of mistakes in dealing with the 'rona. I'm not implying otherwise. Maybe there is someone who should be writing a book on the response to it. The guy who presided over 32,000 dead residents, a third of which could have been caused by at least one of his policies, is not that guy.

from Steven Crowder Says