Thursday, August 27, 2020

CNN Absolutely Embarrasses Itself with This Chyron Excusing Violent Riots in Kenosha

CNN Absolutely Embarrasses Itself with This Chyron Excusing Violent Riots in Kenosha
Brodigan - August 27, 2020 at 08:45AM

On Wednesday, Jacob Blake's mother cautioned everyone to "get the details from the right source." That's hard to do when what would traditionally be the "right" source — the media — has made it perfectly clear it won't report facts if the facts get in the way of their agenda. Hence they call rioters "peaceful protesters" when they're anything but (see VIDEO CATCHES "PEACEFUL" PROTESTERS KNOCKING A MAN OUT FOR ASKING THEM TO LOWER THEIR VOICES and PORTLAND PROTESTERS ASSAULTED TWO OLD LADIES).

Here's a pro-tip for you, CNN. If you're standing in front of a burning building, it's not a peaceful protest. So try not to insult people with your chyrons.

Here's an idea. If the protests are really "mostly peaceful," show us that. Turn the camera around and show us the drum circles and the peaceful protesters singing Sam Cooke and the Mamas and the Papas songs peacefully. But CNN can't do that, because these aren't peaceful protests. These are violent riots started by Democrats, and they're starting to make Joe Biden look bad. Even worse, at least in the eyes of the media, they're starting to make Donald Trump look good.

CNN is taking "who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes" to ridiculous limits. I know what my answer is.

from Steven Crowder Says