Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A TikToker Points Out the Hypocrisy of Kamala Harris Accepting the VP Spot

A TikToker Points Out the Hypocrisy of Kamala Harris Accepting the VP Spot
Brodigan - August 12, 2020 at 11:35AM

Politics is political and politicians are hypocrites. Also, rain is wet, vegans would be happier if they just shoved some delicious meat in their mouths, and Epstein didn't kill himself. Any time a presidential candidate picks a former rival to be his running mate, every bad thing that person said about the candidate becomes fair game. Most of it is easily dismissed as politics. But in the case of Kamala Harris, there are two HUGE disputes that came up during the campaign. The mainstream media may try to avoid talking about them, but this bro on TikTok isn't.

Democrats made it clear what they think of Biden (see REMEMBER WHEN DEMOCRATS HATED JOE BIDEN? HERE'S A REMINDER ... and THE END? BIDEN CAMPAIGN REPORTEDLY FREAKING OUT OVER DISASTROUS DEBATE). But Kamala put a little extra somethin' somethin' on it. She accused Biden of bro'ing out with segregationists who didn't want her to go to school AND believed the women who said Joe Biden sexually assaulted them. There's walking back past criticism on policy. Then there's walking back implying your new bestie is both a racist and a rapist.

I'm sure at some point there will be a heavily scripted interview with the two on CNN where no follow-up questions will be asked. But for now, the rank hypoocrisy is there and it's glorious.

from Steven Crowder Says