Thursday, August 27, 2020

This Comedian Perfectly Sums Up 2020 with One Important Question: Is This What You Want?

This Comedian Perfectly Sums Up 2020 with One Important Question: Is This What You Want?
Brodigan - August 27, 2020 at 01:11PM

This video really does speak for itself and is a perfect yet unfortunate recap of 2020 (see CNN ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSES ITSELF WITH THIS CHYRON EXCUSING VIOLENT RIOTS IN KENOSHA and THIS PATRIOT JUST PUT HIS CITY COUNCIL ON BLAST OVER THE SHUTDOWN, AND IT'S AWESOME!). Dave Smith is both a comedian and a libertarian, plus a member of the Legion of Skanks. Disclaimer: I've actually endorsed his opponent Luis Gomez to be president of the Skanks, but that's besides the point. Smith did a podcast recently where he goes over a lot that has been going on and asks a very important question we all need to be asking ourselves: Do you want this?

Not everyone started off at the same point with the pandemic or the Marxist political organization Black Lives Matter. I mean, my editor Courtney was against the shutdown from the beginning. But the American people as a whole, their patience was wearing thin even before the media, after telling us to stay home, started to broadcast riots into our homes. Every day, more and more rational, apolitical people are looking at the news and simply saying, "Dude, what the f*ck?"

People can no longer say they don't care about politics. Leftists are going to use politics against average Americans whether they like it or not. And we saw what happens if we willingly give the government the slightest bit of extra power, even if it made rational sense at the time. This is where are are now. You need to ask yourself: "Do you want this?"

If the answer is no, what are you going to do about it?

from Steven Crowder Says