Tuesday, August 18, 2020

This Trump Video Has Biden 'Swimming' with Bernie and AOC, and I Can't Stop Laughing

This Trump Video Has Biden 'Swimming' with Bernie and AOC, and I Can't Stop Laughing
Brodigan - August 18, 2020 at 11:24AM

All week, Democrats are going to try to paint Joe Biden as a moderate. But to anyone actually paying attention, he's in perfect sync with straight-up socialists like Bernie and AOC (see AOC SAYS THE WORKING CLASS DOESN'T NEED BILLIONAIRES and BERNIE SANDERS: DICTATORSHIPS AREN'T ALL BAD). To drive this point home, the Trump 2020 campaign has dropped a new video that really needs to be seen to be believed. It's a little boomerish. I don't know how many of you youngbloods know what synchronized swimming is. The animation is more reminiscent of a local campaign for county legislator than we're used to for nationwide campaigns. Also, I was in hysterics for fifteen minutes before I was able to type sentences.

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