Thursday, August 20, 2020

Donald Trump Trolled the Left By Buying Up WaPo Ads, and It's Glorious

Donald Trump Trolled the Left By Buying Up WaPo Ads, and It's Glorious
Brodigan - August 20, 2020 at 09:41AM

Donald Trump is a grade-A troller. He's had a few classics over the years (see TRUMP CAMPAIGN TROLLS JOE BIDEN FOR HUNTER BIDEN'S POSITIVE PATERNITY TEST and TRUMP TROLLS LEFTISTS WITH VIDEO DEPICTING HIM AS PRESIDENT FOR 88,000 YEARS). But this is one for the hall of fame. It looks as if Trump 2020 has bought up every possible web ad on the Washington Post. Like, to the point where there's almost more Trump ads than there are news articles. I'm crying, it's so beautiful.

Lefty Twitter has gone right to Defcon Eleventy over this. I'll let this Jarvis fella summarize, and more importantly, share the screen shots.

There's only one word to accurately describe this:

What's most awesome is that as the left cries that this is illegal or an abuse of the internet, WE LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU! Seriously. Google the word "Santorum" to see for yourself. Taking out search ads or web ads to counter your opponent is common in politics. The left started it. They showed us the way. But like with Facebook, now that the Trump campaign is doing it more better than leftists are doing it, I'm sure all the community guidelines are going to change.

For now, just revel in the awesomeness of the troll while it's still there.

from Steven Crowder Says