Saturday, August 22, 2020

Joe Biden Admits He Would Shut Down the Country Just Because "Scientists" Order Him To

Joe Biden Admits He Would Shut Down the Country Just Because "Scientists" Order Him To
Brodigan - August 22, 2020 at 07:43AM

The Republican Convention starts on Monday, headlined by Donald Trump all four nights. Joe Biden just gave Trump his opening night speech, all wrapped up in a nice bow. Or since it's Biden, wrapped in the Sunday morning cartoons, sloppily, using a half a roll of scotch tape. Trump just needs to ask people how much they enjoyed the shutdown this year (see THIS PATRIOT JUST PUT HIS CITY COUNCIL ON BLAST OVER THE SHUTDOWN, AND IT'S AWESOME! and OXFORD EPIDEMIOLOGISTS SAY SHUTDOWNS DON'T WORK AND QUESTION MASKS). If you have a fever and the only cure is a more better shutdown, then Slow Joe is the candidate for you. Or is it Sleepy Joe? Hopefully Trump settles on a nickname next week.

Either way, play the video.

So, why bother voting for Biden? He should just drop out and "Scientists" should run for president. No one scientist in particular. Just "Scientists." Scientists/Experts 2020. The low information leftist base who gets most of their info from NowThis videos and memes on the Other 98% Facebook page will eat that sh!t up. It has nothing to do with being pro- or anti-science. Those phrases don't mean anything. No one opposes science. But some on the left are "science" fettishists because it's another way to dismiss anyone who disagrees with you. It's increasingly clear that Biden is nothing more than a vessel while the far left are really the ones calling the shots.

We elect a president to make the decisions, not outsource the decision making to unelected arbitrary "experts." He should CONSIDER what "scientists" are telling him. ALL scientists. Including the ones who say that the shutdown may have done more harm than good. Weigh that information with what the economic experts tell him, or mental health experts, or a team of other experts. Especially considering that if "scientists" had their way, we'd be locked down as long as there is any virus out there or any way people might get sick.

Then the president — the guy who was ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE — makes the decision. Biden just admitted that if you elect him, the person making the decisions won't actually be him.

from Steven Crowder Says