Friday, August 21, 2020

Here's a Montage of Joe Biden Inappropriately Touching Women. And Girls.

Here's a Montage of Joe Biden Inappropriately Touching Women. And Girls.
Brodigan - August 21, 2020 at 07:40AM

Joe Biden accepted the Democrat nomination on Thursday night and gave a good speech. Someone wrote nice words. Someone did a good job loading it into the teleprompter. Biden performed it without having any of the senior moments he's been having lately (see JOE BIDEN JUST ASKED A BLACK REPORTER IF HE DOES COCAINE. NO, REALLY. and THE GOP JUST RELEASED A 46 MINUTE VIDEO OF JOE BIDEN TALKING NONSENSE). Expectations were low and he cleared them. Though when I say expectations were low, if Biden was doing a high jump, the pole would be lying on the ground. He didn't trip over the pole.

So here's a montage of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women of all ages.

There's a reason why they don't want Joe Biden leaving his basement and only want him speaking in heavily scripted interviews with pop stars. The 'rona is just a convenient excuse. Biden doesn't react well with other humans around. Especially when they ask him questions. He claims to have learned his lesson with the bad touching, but he's also mentally declined somewhat since then. What happens when Biden has to leave the house and campaign? Sure, he performed a good speech in a controlled environment. But they can't hide him forever.

from Steven Crowder Says