Tuesday, August 11, 2020

It's Come to This: Common Sense About the Pandemic from Larry the Cable Guy

It's Come to This: Common Sense About the Pandemic from Larry the Cable Guy
Brodigan - August 11, 2020 at 11:24AM

I know what the mocking tweets from smug leftists dickheads are without even searching for them. "Only a Trump humper listens to a redneck comedian over the experts." But I'm not sharing these Larry the Cable Guy tweets because we should trust him on science over scientists. But the experts (politicians, media, etc.) have proven to be less than truthful and keep moving the goalposts, and a lot of what they say are contradictory. What makes them less trustworthy is then if you question anything, those same experts go on the attack.

Larry the Cable Guy speaks for a lot of normies who did what the experts told them and just want straight answers. Straight answers we aren't getting.

Personally I never got the college football thing, but I also only self-identify as a redneck. I much prefer watching the grown-ups play on Sundays. But the recovery vs. Americans addicted to panic porn point is right on.

Fam, don't get Courtney started (see WOMAN IN AUSTRALIA CHOKED, TACKLED, ARRESTED FOR... NOT WEARING A MASK? and CLOTH MASKS AREN'T AS EFFECTIVE AS MASKED-HORDES INSIST. ACCORDING TO THIS 2015 STUDY!). He also showed his work. I'm happy to wear a mask just for the sake of getting along with my neighbors. But unless you are rocking an N95 — which the experts still don't want us to get — the protection your mask is giving you is marginal if anything. Don't pretend you're a hero with that mask, is what we're saying.

Local leaders should be held accountable. If there's an increase in the suicide rates, then they should be tarred and feathered the old-school way, and left outside the county lines.

The sad thing is that you know the left is going to go on the attack over these tweets, if Twitter hasn't removed them already. If you see a lot of blank spaces here, let your boy know. But the idiots attacking Larry are the same people who blindly support the ever-changing rules, the crazy mandates, and ALL the "experts" who are saying one thing and doing another. If they weren't saying one thing and doing another, things might be different. But no they didn't, no on believes them any more, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

Thank you, Larry, and say hello to Ron White for me. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and find someone whose life gave them vodka" is how I've been getting by these past few months.

from Steven Crowder Says