Wednesday, August 19, 2020

This Patriot Just Put His City Council ON BLAST Over the Shutdown, and It's Awesome!

This Patriot Just Put His City Council ON BLAST Over the Shutdown, and It's Awesome!
Brodigan - August 19, 2020 at 11:49AM

Let's get right to the video. I don't know who Carlos Piccata is or where he's from. This is a viral video and there might be some missing context missing Just like the media didn't know who Nicholas Sandmann was when they took that viral video out of context. The difference is I won't be slandering Carlos. I'm going to watch this video along with you guys and scream "Hell yeah, brother" at my computer as I did after watching in the first time.

Decisions made based on what was known about COVID-19 in the early stages shouldn't be the same decisions made when we know a boatload more about the virus (MEANWHILE IN SWEDEN: COVID CASES AND DEATH PLUMMETS. WITHOUT A SHUTDOWN, MASKS, OR PANIC... and OXFORD EPIDEMIOLOGISTS SAY SHUTDOWNS DON'T WORK AND QUESTION MASKS). Our leaders and the "experts" in charge are acting like it's still March, and in some cases, making up stricter regulations. And in way too many others, arbitrarily applying different standards to different people. Not just saying that you can protest but not go to church. Even things like saying it's too dangerous to press a button and turn the 9/11 lights on, yet not press a button to turn the Macy's fireworks on. Nothing. Makes. Sense.

But the biggest problem is the people who are making all the decisions and providing none of the answers? They all have their jobs. They never didn't have their jobs. None of them are suffering. All while they continue to make people who are suffering jump through hoop after hoop after hoop. I lucked out to where my life hasn't been affected all that much, but because of that I helped out where I could with people whose lives have been. I saw their struggle and listened. Our leaders and experts just tell them to shut up and do what they're told.

The American people did what was asked of us. It's not going to stay that way.

from Steven Crowder Says