Thursday, August 13, 2020

AOC Just Challenged Trump to a Fight and We're Here for It

AOC Just Challenged Trump to a Fight and We're Here for It
Brodigan - August 13, 2020 at 12:09PM

Donald Trump and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez locked in mortal combat is what 2020 needs right now. The two are the unquestioned leaders of their individual political parties. Both know their way around a tweet. Neither of them let beefs go. Really, they are the perfect opponents for each other (see DONALD TRUMP EVISCERATES THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND CNN'S CHYRON GRAPHICS SHOW IT and AOC SAYS THE WORKING CLASS DOESN'T NEED BILLIONAIRES).

On Thursday, ish got real. Donald Trump called AOC a dummy on Fox & Friends, so AOC responded by CALLING HIS ORANGE ASS OUT!

Don't get too excited. Nothing cool like jousting or having them both put on sumo suits. She called him out to ... compare his college transcript to hers.

To be clear, I realize she's trying to be funny here. The congresswoman isn't seriously challenging Trump to meet her on the floor of Congress at high noon. However, she is serious about thinking that the grades they got in college measure who is smarter in 2020, and that's just hilarious. Sake of argument, let's say she got a perfect 4.0 and Trump barely squeaked by with a 1.5. AOC took her college degree and got a job as a bartender with it. Donald Trump took his degree and built an empire that has employed thousands and thousands of people over the years.

Getting good grades when you are twenty-two doesn't measure your intelligence, no matter how much the left claims otherwise. it measures you memorizing facts before tests. Especially these days when they only thing you need to learn things is an internet and some initiative. If you want to pay tens of thousands of dollars so that someone assigns you arbitrary numbers every quarter, that's on you.

Applying intelligence to actual life experience measures how smart you are. Having a piece of paper with your name written in fancy calligraphy hanging on the wall, not so much so.

from Steven Crowder Says