Monday, August 31, 2020

Ryan Long Wonders What Liberal Blogs Will Be Like IF Trump Loses

Ryan Long Wonders What Liberal Blogs Will Be Like IF Trump Loses
Brodigan - August 31, 2020 at 09:15AM

There was a belief that conservatives actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win, just because she would be what's best for business. That business being cable news ratings and the baiting of clicks. Not that there wasn't some merit to the argument. It is the prerogative of every patriotic American to weigh what's best for the country vs. what's best to fill their bank accounts with outrage click dolla' dolla' bills. Conservatives were able to adjust, because even with Trump in power, there was still a wealth of leftist meltdown material to write about (see CHECK OUT THIS LIBERAL MELTDOWN OVER ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT and SINGLE MOTHER IN PORTLAND WANTS YOU TO KNOW HOW SLEEP-DEPRIVED SHE IS FROM ALL THAT PROTESTING).

Progressives, on the other hand, are so obsessed with Trump, I'm not sure they'll be able to survive. As Ryan Long imagines in this sketch.

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