Sunday, August 16, 2020

AOC Whines About NYPD's Trump Endorsement ... But Accidentally Makes a Good Point

AOC Whines About NYPD's Trump Endorsement ... But Accidentally Makes a Good Point
Brodigan - August 16, 2020 at 07:45AM

The New York City Police Benevolent Association endorsed Donald Trump on Friday. It wouldn't surprise me to see other police unions to follow this year. Leftists have made it clear how much they hate cops unless they are arresting someone for not wearing mask in a store. When one party has proven that they will sell you out while you're serving and protecting them, you support the other guy. So it's not shocking to see anti-police leftists like AOC upset with the endorsement.

However, credit where it's due. She did make a good point here. Albeit, accidentally.

Why yes, Congresswoman. I do in fact see a problem with public employee unions promoting "preferred" candidates for office. I'm glad we can find common ground here. The way the teachers unions prevent bad teachers from being fired — not unlike the police unions with bad cops — is an issue we should look at.

It's also problematic that unions endorse candidates who then pass laws forcing people to join unions, which then give money to the elected officials who pass those laws. Like, for example, the recent anti-freelancing law in California. People are making money without unions getting their taste. The unions don't like that, and so they support 'preferred' candidates who, when elected, promise to game the system. Essentially, in exchange for being able to garnish union member paychecks for their campaign donations. Which again, the employees don't have a say in after being forced to join in the first place.

I absolutely agree with you that there's a problem with unions, especially public employee unions, having preferred candidates for office. Good talk.

from Steven Crowder Says