Monday, August 24, 2020

Twitter Users Remind Kamala Harris of Her Abortion Extremism with These Personal Photos

Twitter Users Remind Kamala Harris of Her Abortion Extremism with These Personal Photos
Brodigan - August 24, 2020 at 08:07AM

The media wants you to believe that Kamala Harris is a pragmatic moderate. Which tells you all you need to know about who the media is politically, because she is about as moderate as I am straight-edge. Out of all her extremist positions, abortion is top of the list (see KAMALA HARRIS "CRIES" ABOUT CHILDREN DYING IN GUN VIOLENCE. SHE'S PRO-ABORTION. and UNDERCOVER PLANNED PARENTHOOD JOURNALISTS' CASE MOVES FORWARD). One of her many past pro-abortion tweets has been resurfacing lately.

Pragmatic moderate Kamala Harris is so pragmatic in her moderation toward abortion, she supports aborting your child five months into pregnancy. So people took to Twitter to point out just how not-moderate her extremism is. SPOILER: I in fact do not have a uterus myself. But the following people do.

Remember, the moderate position used to be "safe, legal, and rare." The moderate position used to be the big three exceptions. Now, the pragmatic moderate position on abortion is what exactly? Anything under two minutes after the baby was delivered? You can abort any time before the doctor tells you it's a boy or a girl? Which, now, moderately anti-science Democrats tell you isn't a thing any more, but that's a different blog post.

General rule of thumb: When the media calls a Democrat a "moderate," that Democrat is anything but. The harder the media tries to claim that, the more extreme the Democrat actually is.

from Steven Crowder Says