Tuesday, August 25, 2020

AOC Tried Dunking on GOP By Suggesting a New Mascot, but Her Idea Is AWESOME

AOC Tried Dunking on GOP By Suggesting a New Mascot, but Her Idea Is AWESOME
Brodigan - August 25, 2020 at 01:37PM

Sometimes I read a Congresswoman AOC tweet and am not sure if she's really as dense as advertised, if she's trying too hard to be funny, or if I just have a fever and the only cure is more clickbait. I'm sure it's a combination of all three (see AOC JUST CHALLENGED TRUMP TO A FIGHT AND WE'RE HERE FOR IT and AOC SAYS THE WORKING CLASS DOESN'T NEED BILLIONAIRES). But today's tweet is extra.

She started off with the boring criticisms: GOP has no ideas, relying on fear and lies, etc. She could have very well been watching a replay of the DNC convention and got confused. But then she tries to make a joke about our mascot being an elephant. She wants to steal the elephant for the socialists, let the not-as-socialist Democrats keep the donkey, and then had a new idea for what the GOP should have represent them instead.

Personally, I always hated the elephant. It's fat, wrinkly, and ugly. It's like having your political party's mascot be Lena Dunham. But the honey badger? Honey badgers are the bad@$es of the animal world. The honey badger would be an amazing mascot for the GOP.

Like, do you even internet, bro?

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