Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Here Are Photos of #DemConvention Speaker Bill Clinton Getting a Back Rub from a Jeffrey Epstein 'Friend'

Here Are Photos of #DemConvention Speaker Bill Clinton Getting a Back Rub from a Jeffrey Epstein 'Friend'
Brodigan - August 18, 2020 at 12:27PM

Former Jeffrey Epstein associate Bill Clinton is a featured speaker at Joe Biden's convention tonight. Before we get any further, I should point out that Jeffrey Epstein totally killed himself in jail and there is no evidence of foul play (see VIDEO OF JEFFREY EPSTEIN'S FIRST ATTEMPTED SUICIDE HAS SUDDENLY VANISHED and TOP 10 HILARIOUS REACTIONS TO JEFFREY EPSTEIN 'SUICIDE' NEWS). Back to his associate Bill, whom some of you may remember as the husband of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Bill always had an affection (allegedly) for women who weren't his wife and used to (allegedly) travel with Epstein a lot on his private plane, called the Lolita Express.

The Daily Mail thought today, the day Bill Clinton is a featured speaker at the Democrat convention to nominate Joe Biden as the Democrat presidential candidate, was the right day to drop these photos of Clinton getting the rub from a 22-year-old. Who was traveling with them. Allegedly.

From the article:

The images show Clinton leaning back while Chauntae Davies, then a 22-year-old massage therapist, kneels on a chair behind him. He seems to be smiling in relief. The former President had complained of a stiff neck after falling asleep on Epstein's 'Lolita Express' while on a "humanitarian trip" to Africa in 2002.

Scare quotes around "humanitarian trip" are mine. But here's the best part:

Epstein's accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell encouraged Davies to give Clinton a massage while the group was refueling at a small airport in Portugal.

Yes, THAT Ghislaine Maxwell. As in the soon to be suicided because she knows too much Ghislaine Maxwell.

Which leads me to the obvious question: At what time today is the DNC going to announce that it accidentally lost Bill Clinton's prerecorded speech?

from Steven Crowder Says