Thursday, August 13, 2020

This New Trump Video Mocking Enthusiasm for Biden Needs to Be Seen to Be Believed

This New Trump Video Mocking Enthusiasm for Biden Needs to Be Seen to Be Believed
Brodigan - August 13, 2020 at 07:25AM

Opinions about Donald Trump here at LwC run the full spectrum. Some of us don't particularly care for the cut of his jib. Others doodle his name with hearts around it on all the covers of all their notebooks. But one thing we all agree on is that our dude is crushing it on web videos. He crushes social media in general. It's what got him elected president and why Big Tech is trying to change all the rules now. Trump's web videos still provide a little extra panache. Some take an ominous tone. Others have more comedic elements. Then you have this analogy about trains.

What's most funny about this to me is that ... Joe Biden loves trains. He's Mr. Amtrak. I think even he and Corn Pop use to sneak on an open freight train back in the day just to see where it took them. Ahh, that Corn Pop. Always getting Biden into trouble!

Here's the thing: Do these videos move the needle at all? Debatable, but it's not like anything else this election cycle makes a lick of sense. But they are at the very least entertainingAF. As someone who hustles content for a living — these clicks don't bait themselves — putting out videos likes this is almost literally the most important thing the campaign can be doing right now.

from Steven Crowder Says