Thursday, August 27, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the Presidential Debates

Nancy Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the Presidential Debates
Brodigan - August 27, 2020 at 11:56AM

Nancy Pelosi is a detestable politician. I won't comment on her as a human being, because there is enough senior abuse on that side, with them still pushing Joe Biden out there. But Pelosi is literally the worst (see WATCH HOW NANCY PELOSI FLIPS OUT ON A REPORTER FOR QUESTIONING HER ON COVID AID and NANCY PELOSI EXCUSES MOB BEHAVIOR WITH A SHRUG). Here she is saying that there shouldn't be any presidential debates. But shhh, don't tell the Biden campaign. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Poor Brian Stelter is probably beside himself over this.

I get that this could be an expectation-setting tactic. They did it with his convention speech. All Biden had to do was speak without stumbling or blowing methane out of his butt, and it would be considered a success. The bar wasn't just lowered. It was partially buried in the ground to make sure he didn't trip.

But Democrats don't want Joe Biden to debate for the same reason they don't want him leaving his house. Every time he interacts with people in a non-heavily scripted setting, he makes a buffoon out of him self. Multiply that by the millions and millions watching the debate.

from Steven Crowder Says