Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sweden Flips the Bird to WHO's Face Mask Recommendation

Sweden Flips the Bird to WHO's Face Mask Recommendation
Courtney Kirchoff - August 04, 2020 at 09:49AM

In a world full of shutdowns, lockdowns, and masked Nazis who've taken the execution of law and order upon themselves, Sweden stands out as a beacon of personal freedom. Sweden. The nation of Ikea and a border so porous it may as well erase its outline on the map. It had the audacity to watch the rest of the world treat its citizens like toddlers and said, "Nah." They didn't buckle to pressure to shutdown. They didn't tell everyone their business was "non-essential." They instead said "Go forth and make your own choices." Sweden matters, because their COVID cases have dropped to near nothing now, while countries that embraced the shutdowns are seeing new spikes. Which means those of us who said *ahem* "This shutdown is stupid" have Sweden to point to as evidence we were right. Well now, as governors in the USA are instituting a little gestapo action by mandating people wear face diapers to combat the spread of COVID, Sweden is still shaking its head.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said this about the World Health Organization's desire that everyone dehumanize themselves by wearing masks (I'm editorializing, calm down fact checkers):

"With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport," he said.

Tegnell has consistently argued that Sweden's approach is more sustainable than the sudden lockdowns imposed elsewhere. With the risk that Covid-19 might be around for years, he says completely shutting down society isn't a long-term option.

Not even on public transport. So bus drivers who steer what are basically germ factories all over cities which are basically germ farms, aren't going to insist you wear that mask you've shoved in your pockets, glove compartment, and wiped your dirty hands all over after using your iPhone which you haven't even Clorox wiped in a couple of weeks, before you board.


Listen, I've been pretty clear from go that I think masks are stupid. But only because everything I've read about cloth masks indicates cloth masks are more harmful to you (and everyone else by extension) than they are helpful to you (and everyone else by extension). So when the masked Nazis physically attack the non-masked, thereby getting the non-masked cooties all over them, I just kind of shrug and laugh at them for proving my point. Cloth masks seem more like pure virtue signaling than anything else. Even Pope Fauci said as much here. Also, remember when Fauci was photographed sitting between two people with a mask around his chin? It's almost like he's not worried about COVID.

Looking at Sweden's now dwindling COVID numbers, it would seem the lockdowns don't work. It would seem the masks aren't needed. It would seem if people actually gave a tiny crap about spreading COVID, they should actually read about Sweden instead of pretending it didn't exist so they could carry out their gestapo fantasies instead. But you know. That's just, like, my opinion man.

from Steven Crowder Says