Thursday, December 2, 2021

Keith Olbermann Attacks Barstool Sports for (Checks Notes) Honoring Dead Student, Being Trump 'Fascists'

Keith Olbermann Attacks Barstool Sports for (Checks Notes) Honoring Dead Student, Being Trump 'Fascists'
Brodigan - December 02, 2021 at 08:06AM

Keith Olbermann is an unhinged nincompoop desperate for any shred of relevancy. I would call him the worst person in the world, but that would be a dated reference. Much like Keith Olbermann himself. For that reason, he decided to come for some of El Presidente's smoke. Outraged over Barstool Sports writing about the tragic Michigan High School shooting. Their non-political post, because Barstool isn't a political site (we'll circle back to that later) went viral.

I highly recommend clicking through to read the article. Tate Myre was a sixteen-year-old star football player, who was already going on recruiting trips. He was killed trying to DISARM the shooter and save his classmates. There is a petition to rename the football stadium after him. The post included his stats, his story, the link to the petition, and a link to a GoFundMe to help the families of the victims. That's it. That was the story.

It was too much for KO.

To understand this tweet, you need to guess what's in KO's liberal brain. If I were to guess, like most liberals, he believes if you aren't using your platform to be actively anti-Donald Trump, that means you love everything about Donald Trump. As opposed to simply not being a political site, which Barstool isn't. Now, can I guess the political leanings of a lot of employees? They're a media company based out of New York City. Do the math. But they aren't out loud about it. In KO's brain, that means they all have an opposing viewpoint than him, and he hates them for that.

The other half of the tweet I won't link to here, but it's tagged on KO's tweet. He links to a liberal tabloid that dug into the Michigan shooter's MOTHER'S social media and discovered she's a Trump supporter. These same leftists don't think the Waukesha killer's social media history is newsworthy, yet the mother of this killer is. KO decided "2+2=potato." The killer's mother liked Trump and Barstool doesn't actively hate Trump. Therefore, they are one and the same.

So many things, El Pres. So many things. Starting with being unable to cope with it no longer being 2007, and then random zoomers on TikTok now do his schtick better than he ever did. Leaving every job he's ever had because everyone he worked with hated him I'm sure didn't help his grasp on reality.

Please make sure you read about Tate Myre and help the victims' families however you can, either by donating or sharing the GoFundMe so that others can.

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