Monday, December 6, 2021

Kamala Harris Staffer Tweets Photo to Try and Claim He Loves His Job. Fails.

Kamala Harris Staffer Tweets Photo to Try and Claim He Loves His Job. Fails.
Brodigan - December 06, 2021 at 07:43AM

Everyone hates Kamala Harris. We knew this when she choked running for president. Now that she is vice-president and people are forced to work with her, they can't stop leaking to the mainstream media outlets like CNN and Politico how much she sucks. Whether or not the leaker's name rhymes with Poot Buttgig depends on how cynical you feel like being. But even the American people hate Kamala more than they hate Joe Biden, and they really hate Joe Biden.

The latest article detailing how miserable a human Kamala Harris is was one too many for staffer David Gins. He Tweeted a photo to show how much he loves his job. It's a totally natural photo that wasn't staged in the slightest.

"Hi. My name is David Gins. I work for Vice President Harris on behalf of the American people as Deputy Director for Operations and absolutely love my job. Just thought some of you should know."

The first thing I notice is that Kamala has a photo hanging of herself in the office. Whether the photo is there normally or was only hung there for this obviously staged post I can't tell, nor can I say which would be more pathetic.

Also, speaking as someone who actually loves his job, I tend to not look like my soul has been crushed as I sit in front of my computer. David looks like he's holding back tears after seeing his Zip Recruiter mailbox is still empty.

Then there's the obvious question of who took the photo. If I were to guess?


DAVID: Please don't hit me again.

KAMALA: Tweet this photo I just took of you. I already wrote out the tweet. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

DAVID: How did you log into my Twitter account?

KAMALA: What did I say about questioning me? We don't want another Oliver incident. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

The only other option would be that David had someone take this photo of his own accord. And that he was sincere in thinking that he was helping his boss. SPOILER: David is not helping.

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