Friday, December 3, 2021

Germany Returning to Totalitarian Era, Checking Papers and Targeting One Class of Citizens

Germany Returning to Totalitarian Era, Checking Papers and Targeting One Class of Citizens
Joseph Gunderson - December 03, 2021 at 08:57AM

Men and women living in contemporary society look back at history and treat it as if those events, even those only a few decades ago, remote, as if they are nothing more than stories written in books—books that most people don’t read anyway.

Well, those events weren’t that long ago, and we aren’t suddenly totally different people, and everything that has occurred can easily happen again if we are too complacent, if we allowed ourselves to be coerced into compliance. And that’s exactly what is happening all around the world, presently.

In Germany, a horrifying regression is taking place right before our eyes.

“Show us your papers.”

The echoes of a tumultuous time in world history shock those who view the videos of uniformed polizei patrolling for those who fail to have on them the correct kind of identification proving they are members of the vaccinated club.

Even if one were to grant the need to check to make sure people are vaccinated out in public—and I would be the last person to concede such an argument—does it really require entire departments to rush into private businesses? This isn’t just about ensuring vaccinations. This is about scaring people into complying. It’s about controlling a submissive population of people who just want to be left alone.

There are those within the country who aren’t complying, though. They aren’t going to sit idly by as their government crams Gestapo tactics down on them. These people understand what happens when the German government—or any government, mind you—is allowed to get away with such gross, authoritarian violations.

These people are fighting back, and every freedom-loving person on the planet should be doing the same. If your soul craves liberty, if you do not care to live solely at the pleasure of the state, if you don’t care to suffer under the boot of a totalitarian regime that will not think twice about black-bagging you, hurrying you away to some gulag, then it’s time to start standing up for your freedoms.

Here in the United States, we are not immune to the exact same predations. Our government, under the supposed leadership of the Dipsh!t-in-Chief Joe Biden and his favorite sidekick and fellow tyrant Fauci, would have your rights stripped in the name of social welfare and pandemic caution just as quickly as the polizei in Germany would reach for a baton and crush a protesters face.

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