Friday, December 3, 2021

Alec Baldwin: I Feel No Guilt for Gun That Shot and Killed Woman as I Was Holding It

Alec Baldwin: I Feel No Guilt for Gun That Shot and Killed Woman as I Was Holding It
Brodigan - December 03, 2021 at 07:43AM

If you are an out-of-work PR rep, there may be a job opening. It would mean working for Alec Baldwin, so if you wanted to still mooch off of extended unemployment benefits I wouldn't hold it against you. But whoever advised him to do this interview needs to be drug tested and then blacklisted from ever working in politics again.

Stephanopoulos: Do you feel guilt?

Baldwin: No. Someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it’s not me.

Let's recap how we got here. In October, there was a tragic shooting on the Baldwin-produced movie Rust. Baldwin pointed a gun at the cinematographer and accidentally killed her because the gun--believed to have blanks--had a live round. There was a lot of chatter around the inexperienced armorer. Last we heard from Baldwin, he was snapping at reporters for ruining his weekend in New England.

That brings us to the interview with George Stephanopoulos. An interview, mind you, that took place WHILE an active investigation is going on. Alex says the sheriff’s department hasn’t even released a report to the DA, yet, and that, quote, "I feel like I can’t wait for that process to end.”

Baldwin says he doesn't know why the live round was in the gun or why there was a live round even on the set. Okay, I'll give him that. The actor then went on to say he had the gun pointed at her armpit as the cinematographer was setting up the shot. The cinematographer, according to Baldwin, told him to begin "cocking the hammer" for the shot.

“I pulled the hammer as far back as I could without cocking the gun. I let go of the hammer and bang, the gun goes off.”

Baldwin then dismissed the claim from the armorer's attorney that this was an act of sabotage, believing instead "it is overwhelmingly likely that it was an accident." I'm not sure how a live round accidentally gets loaded into a prop gun. That's for the sheriff's department to investigate. In an investigation, Baldwin may have made more difficult with his teary-eyed "don't blame me for this" interview.

Let's be clear: I in NO WAY think what Baldwin did was intentional. I just think "I didn't pull the trigger of the gun I was holding that killed a woman, blame someone else" isn't the winning message he thinks it is. Shutting up would have been better.

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