Monday, November 1, 2021

New Polls Say F*** Joe Biden: Claims POTUS Incompetent, Unable to Handle a Crisis, and His Policies Hurt

New Polls Say F*** Joe Biden: Claims POTUS Incompetent, Unable to Handle a Crisis, and His Policies Hurt
Brodigan - November 01, 2021 at 08:03AM

It's funny. At the beginning of October, Quinnipiac released a poll claiming the American people don't find Joe Biden to be competent. "OUTLIER!" cried Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself). Jen Psaki blamed the numbers on certain American people. Brian Williams blamed "crappy reporting by the mainstream media." Let's see what happens when Williams runs into Chuck Todd at the NBC News break room. Because if you believe the poll, the American people's view of Biden has gotten worse. If "F*ck Joe Biden" were a segment on "Meet the Press", it would look a little something like this:

Who coulda thunk electing an (alleged) dementia patient with (alleged) pudding for a brain as chief executive and leader of the free world would get this bad?

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