Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Real Racism: Twitter Allows Discussion of 'White Genocide,' 'Mayo Monkeys' on Twitter Spaces

Real Racism: Twitter Allows Discussion of 'White Genocide,' 'Mayo Monkeys' on Twitter Spaces
Joseph Gunderson - November 30, 2021 at 08:22AM

Making use of Twitter Spaces to host a meeting of dyed-in-the-wool racists—not the kind the left likes to scream and cry about because someone mispronounces a name—there was no mincing of words between parties. They truly hate white people, and they want them dead.

It started when this piece of trash just decided to rattle off a list of his favorite racial slurs for white people.

Then it turned into a meme, as most things do these days, one likening white people to monkeys. An interesting comparison, to say the least, one with echoes in the racism of the past, similar to the dehumanization of the Jews by Hitler’s Nazis. And before Someone goes and complains that I’m making an unwarranted Holocaust comparison, just you wait, my friends!

It soon became clear that those trending #MayoMonkeysGottaGo, which came from a giant list published to Twitter earlier, would probably enjoy, immensely, if white people were tortured as Fauci likes to torture monkeys. But then they also want them dead, like Fauci likes to do to puppies. Don’t take my word for it.

“I’m going to say this, and you ain’t gotta chop shit up. I am for the white genocide. I am for the total erasure of the white race… Yes, I am for all you white bitches dying like flies… I am for putting all you white opossums in a gas chamber and letting that motherf*cker rain.”

These comments are met with laughing emojis and giggles from some of his equally repugnant listeners. This is beyond reprehensible. Contrary to what Ibram Kendi may think, this is real racism. This is real hatred. And it has no place in our society.

The jolly little black supremacist who was so proud to announce his support of mass genocide later deleted his Twitter account. I am guessing he decided to start holding his meetings in hiding, more than likely dressing in long robes and pointy hats.

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