Sunday, November 28, 2021

Dave Chappelle Makes Deal with Haters to Put Their Money Where Their Mouth is or 'Shut the F*ck Up Forever'

Dave Chappelle Makes Deal with Haters to Put Their Money Where Their Mouth is or 'Shut the F*ck Up Forever'
Brodigan - November 28, 2021 at 07:09AM

Dave Chappelle is once again embroiled in nontroversy. Yes, I spelled that how I spelled that. It started earlier this month. Chappelle was supposed to hold a fundraiser for his alma mater, Duke Ellington High School in Washington, DC. Two students complained about it after reading on Twitter people were outraged by Chappelle telling jokes. The comedian visited the school on Tuesday, where some of those students yelled at him.

Feel free to click through for details if they matter to you. On one side, there were a few students who didn't know what they didn't know. On the other side was Dave Chappelle being Dave Chappelle. One kid called Chappelle "immature." Another kid claimed Chappelle's comedy literally kills people. And a parent was shocked that Dave Chappelle would use the n-word. Yes, Dave Chappelle.

What's more important was the challenge Chappelle made afterward on his Instagram account. If his haters are really that outraged, put their money where their mouth is:

It's important to scroll through the photos to see all the students who were appreciative of the opportunity to talk to one of the best to ever do it. You wouldn't know that from the media.

Chappelle said what's really important is raising money for the school. If having the auditorium named after him is REALLY that upsetting, he made a deal. People who hate him can donate money and leave a note that they hate him and don't want his name attached to the school. People who support him can donate and say they support him.

"If by April, those against the 'Chappelle' theater exceed the donations of those who are neutral or in favor of the theatre being named 'Chappelle,' I will gladly step aside. If not, I will happily attend the naming ceremony. And if you don't care enough to donate, please, SHUT THE F*CK UP FOREVER!"

Let people vote with their dollars. The assumption is that people who have been attacking Chappelle only PLEASSSSSSE-PAY-ATTENTION-TO-ME-AND-LAVISH-ME-WITH-PRAISE-ON-TWITTER hate him. You can say that about approximately 99.86% of "cancel culture" targets. The rest of the planet, the silent majority of normal people, understand comedy and are too busy living their lives to get upset when a comedian has an opinion they may disagree with. Dave Chappelle's compromise puts it to a vote. The high school gets the money. Chappelle makes his point. This is why he's the GOAT.

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