Friday, November 19, 2021

NYT Reporter Listens to Rittenhouse Jurors on Other Side of Screen Meant to Conceal. Here's What He Heard ...

NYT Reporter Listens to Rittenhouse Jurors on Other Side of Screen Meant to Conceal. Here's What He Heard ...
Brodigan - November 19, 2021 at 11:21AM

There are three key pieces of information you need before going further. One, we're entering the 24th hour of Rittenhouse jury deliberation and everyone is trying to figure out what that means. Two, Judge Schroeder has commented from the bench how "frightening" the irresponsible media coverage has been. Three, MSNBC was barred from the courtroom when a producer was arrested while following the jury bus (allegedly). You are now ready to read this tweet from a New York Times reporter. He overheard jurors talking from the other side of a screen meant to protect their identities from people such as a New York Times reporter.

Actually, four. The Associated Press wants you to feel bad about how the defense labels a guy convicted of raping children. Now, read the NYT tweet.

The jurors are thankful the sheriff put up a screen to protect them from the view of the public. Just, it would appear, not protect them from the ears of a reporter from the New York Times.

"It helps calm my nerves," says one woman.

"The media coverage is insane," said another.

"I woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't fall back asleep," said a man.

I wonder if, at any point, as the reporter from the New York Times overheard these comments and wrote these tweets, that maybe he thought he and his industry--who has been lying about Kyle Rittenhouse for over a year--might be a problem. Just saying, they sound like they're concerned over what could happen to them based on how they vote, and it's people sympathetic to the prosecution--like NBC News and the New York Times--that they're worried about.

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