Sunday, November 28, 2021

Watch: Joe Biden Busted Maskless (Again) Behind Sign That Says Masks Were Required

Watch: Joe Biden Busted Maskless (Again) Behind Sign That Says Masks Were Required
Brodigan - November 28, 2021 at 07:43AM

There once was a president in Nantucket.
Whose policies tell American's to "suck it."
If given the chance,
Joe will poop his pants,
And force Secret Service to touch it.

Joe Biden spent his thanksgiving at a billionaire's estate in Nantucket. No doubt, the one private equity billionaire who is paying his "fair share." While strolling through downtown Nantucket, telling everyone he met that he once knew a man from there, Biden was busted once again flouting his CDC's indoor mask guidelines. Not the end of the world. Biden gets busted starring in mask theatre all the time. It's just funny to see him maskless behind a sign that says "masks required."

"But Brodigan, maybe he just pulled his mask down for a selfie." Yeah, and last week he put his mask on for a selfie after sticking his germ-riddled, maskless face in people's personal spaces. All while still mandating your kids wear masks every time they leave the house. It's not the hypocrisy. Joe Biden is a career Democrat politician. Hypocrisy is Biden's love language. What we have here is another example of the people demanding we take things seriously even though, over and over again, we see how unseriously they think the pandemic is (or what's left of it is).

What makes this video stand out is that starting Monday, when everyone is back from the long weekend, Biden and the people who control Biden will be telling us the Omicron Variant is coming to devour the planet. Unless Rodimus Prime and Bumblee can save the day with a brand new rNA vaccine. As Joe Biden claims, the experts and "the science" tell him to tell us to mask up and shut our lives down again. Remember, videos like this showing how concerned Biden isn't.

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