Sunday, November 28, 2021

Watch: Mentally Broken Man Sneaks Photo of Maskless Girl, Runs Away When Challenged by Her Father

Watch: Mentally Broken Man Sneaks Photo of Maskless Girl, Runs Away When Challenged by Her Father
Joseph Gunderson - November 28, 2021 at 07:50AM

I pray everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. I hope you all spent time with your families and ate plenty of great food prepared by people who care for you and for which you care. Everyone who did so can be thankful they still have a functioning brain capable of making rational choices about risk and reward, about whether or not they want to take the vaccine, and are probably surrounded by people who weren't about to ban them from dinner if they haven't received it. Basically, they aren't the guy in this video.

This poor, broken soul probably didn't go to Thanksgiving dinner with anyone. He has probably received every vaccine and booster and will do so for the foreseeable future, so long as the government says to do so. And the hypoxia he's no doubt suffering trying to breathe through his several masks isn't helping his brain function any better.

After snapping a photo of a man and his daughter—his reason being he was scared of them because they weren't wearing masks—this little beetle of a man scurries about a grocery store, scared out of his damned mind.

After being asked why he took the photos, he replies that he did it "so I can stay alive." Then he cowers in fear trying to get out of the store, ducking and weaving to try his best to stay six feet from all other human beings.

If I had to guess, this silly, spineless little man is sitting at home surrounded by packages of toilet paper, eating out of cans of rations in preparation for the end of days. I wouldn't be surprised to find he's an online professor of philosophy or something, either.

With the new variant popping up, there's sure to be more crazies to be seen out and about. COVID has broken the already weak-minded, and we finally see just how many of those have been sculking about.

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from Steven Crowder Says