Wednesday, November 17, 2021

MUSIC VIDEO: Here Comes the POOP (feat. Joe Biden)!

MUSIC VIDEO: Here Comes the POOP (feat. Joe Biden)!
Joseph Gunderson - November 17, 2021 at 12:48PM

If you're looking for something to get you motivated, maybe something to listen to while pushing through your day at the gym, we got you, dude!

Songs focused on making a mockery of the former vice president are all the rage. We had to add to the playlist, and Biden has provided so much material to work with. After Biden's alleged bathroom accident at the Vatican and busting a$ in front of the Duchess of Cornwall, he's been the butt of plenty of good jokes (you like that pun?).

Sadly, we weren't the first to incorporate this joke into a jam, but we are the first to make it the entire song!

It may not be a classic "F*ck Joe Biden" banger, but we think you're going to enjoy it. I know I do.

I have this track setup to blast each time someone walks into my bathroom. I think it sets the mood. That, and you might laugh so hard, well…

from Steven Crowder Says