Thursday, November 18, 2021

AP is Upset the Rittenhouse Defense Refers to Joseph Rosenbaum, a Pedophile, as "Irrational" and "Crazy"

AP is Upset the Rittenhouse Defense Refers to Joseph Rosenbaum, a Pedophile, as "Irrational" and "Crazy"
Brodigan - November 18, 2021 at 01:36PM

The media hasn't exactly been covering themselves in roses during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. They've been admonished by Judge Schroeder. And they're at risk of getting the pants sued off of them for defamation. On Thursday, MSNBC got themselves banned from the courtroom for doing MSNBC things. Then you have the Associated Press, who is upset that Rittenhouse's defense refers to Joseph Rosenbaum as "crazy" and "irrational." Yes, the Joseph Rosenbaum that the defense is making the case tried to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. Yes, Joseph Rosenbaum the pedophile. That's to whose defense the AP is coming.

From the Associated Press:

"To some legal experts and other observers, Richards' remarks were a smart courtroom strategy and an accurate depiction of the threat faced by Rittenhouse, who says he shot the men in self-defense. But mental health advocates heard something different: a dangerous assumption that people living with mental illness are homicidal and need to be killed, and terminology such as "crazy" that they say is pejorative and adds to the stigma surrounding mental health issues."

From Rosenbaum's criminal record of raping children:

  • Count 1: Masturbating in front of a minor
  • Count 2: Anally molesting a minor
  • Count 3: Distributed pornography to a minor
  • Count 4: Masturbating in front of (another) minor
  • Count 5: Anally molesting (another) minor
  • Count 6: Insertive fellatio with a minor
  • Count 7: Receptive fellatio with a minor
  • Count 8: Touching (another) minor's genitals
  • Count 9: Forcing a minor to touch his genitals
  • Count 10: Touching (another) minor's genitals
  • Count 11: Exposing himself to a minor.

The "crazy" and "irrational" have nothing to do with Rosenbaum being a pedophilia scumbag, though. Those two words have to do with Rosenbaum being discharged from a mental hospital and going directly to rioting, where he (allegedly) attempted to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. For all the geniuses at AP, such behavior would be correctly characterized as "crazy" and "irrational."

The stuff about Rosenbaum being a pedophile has to do with the fact that he was a pedophile, and that's the person AP and other lefties are defending.

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