Friday, November 19, 2021

Watch: Ron DeSantis GOES OFF on Reporter, Explains "Liberty" and "Freedom" to the Press Like They're Five

Watch: Ron DeSantis GOES OFF on Reporter, Explains "Liberty" and "Freedom" to the Press Like They're Five
Brodigan - November 19, 2021 at 08:02AM

Ron DeSantis, America's Governor, held a press conference in Florida. Brandon, Florida. Yes, he chose Brandon for a reason. A glorious, next-level, trolling reason. DeSantis was signing opposition to Joe Biden's unconstitutional mandates. Some dinkus reporter chirped and challenged him on doing so. Here's where DeSantis goes all Wolvie-beserk style. These will be the three most glorious minutes you'll spend on the internet today.

You couldn't hear most of the reporter's question other than "tenants of conservatism." But a popular smear from the smug leftists and media (but I repeat myself) is that DeSantis is being a bad conservative by not letting local school boards mandate children wear masks or have people show proof of their Fauci Ouchie to continue making a living. The feeling on the left is that people who mandate what Joe Biden and the people who control Joe Biden want them to mandate should be free to do so. And that by opposing those mandates, Ron DeSantis is limiting their freedom to limit your freedom.

Yeah, no.

"The states are the primary vehicles to protect people's freedoms, their health, their safety, their welfare, and our constitutional system. What Biden is doing is not constitutional... Some people say these local governments wanted to lockdown businesses, they wanted to force mandates, they wanted to keep kids locked out of schools. You're damn right I overruled them."

The Democrat Governors Association has already (allegedly) given up on trying to defeat DeSantis in 2022. I'm not saying DeSantis is unofficially running for president already. I'm not saying he's not doing that. I'm only here to point out Ron DeSantis chose the city of Brandon to sign anti-Biden bills and give a fiery speech about protecting your freedom to live your life. Do with that information what you will.

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