Saturday, November 20, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty, Alyssa Milano Confused What Those Words Mean

Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty, Alyssa Milano Confused What Those Words Mean
Joseph Gunderson - November 20, 2021 at 10:54AM

After the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial rang out like the liberty bell, leftist heads immediately began exploding, and the world is quickly being flooded with viscera and leftist tears like a second, more annoying great flood. But Alyssa Milano's reaction wasn't to explode or freak out. She just doesn't get it.

"I don't understand."

Oh, you sweet summer child.

And yes, Lib of Tik Tok, I will take a moment to explain to Ms. Milano what "not guilty" means.

It means he did nothing wrong. It means Rittenhouse did what he had to do and nothing more. It means that everything little Ms. Milano probably believed about the case was only the lies she was fed by her leftist friends at CNN—the same network she's watching the verdict be announced on!

See, this is the problem—not just with those like Milano, who we know is a hopeless buffoon, but for a large portion of the American population—people a too quick to believe everything the mainstream media sources spoon-feed them.

If people had shut of CNN, NBC, MSNBC, and ABC and tuned in to any number of independent journalists, bloggers, and alternative media outlets, they would have had a better idea of the truth regarding the Rittenhouse case. Cancel the cable, get yourself a subscription to #MugClub and learn you something. And for those sad sacks like Milano, Steven does a great job explaining things, so she'll never have to not understand again.

Rittenhouse has been found not guilty, but the fight is just starting to heat up. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and be prepared to #FightLikeHell.

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from Steven Crowder Says